About MarCoast-2
MarCoast-2 (Marine & Coastal Environmental Information Services) is a three year GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) project funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) and aims to deliver a single portfolio of marine and coastal satellite-based services at a European scale. MarCoast is supported by a consortium of 32 experienced partners which offer a set of core services:
- Water quality monitoring
- Algal bloom detection and alert
- Water quality indicators
RBINS / OD Nature as a MarCoast Service Provider (SP)
The service delivered by OD Nature is based on a high-level multi-temporal analysis of chlorophyll a (CHL) products for different sub-regions of the North Sea and other European sea areas for use in eutrophication-related water quality reporting (EU Water Framework Directive, Marine Strategy Framework Directive).
Products include weekly, monthly/3-monthly and annual mean and 90 percentile (P90) CHL products, algae bloom detection and timing products and time series of CHL at in situ monitoring stations. In addition, where required an expert analysis (descriptive report) is provided as tailored to the specific user/application.