Suggest better error message when crop region out of L8 tile

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Suggest better error message when crop region out of L8 tile

Post by quinten »

Note: The following message was originally posted at the old ACOLITE board.

At IOCCG Summer School we had a few problems understanding why acolite gave a "Sanity check: Crop outside region" message with an image West of Ireland, so West of Greenwich, negative longitude. More generally the GUI "West", "East", "South", "North" terms are ambiguous.

I suggest to:
- Clarify in the GUI that we need decimal degrees, with -ve for longitude West and Latitude South
- Perhaps change terms "West" ... to "Left", "Right", "Top", "Bottom"
- Explain in the error message why the chosen crop is outside the L8 tile. e.g. Echo the selected crop coordinates and the external bounding box of the L8 tile. This can be done minimally as a text message. Of course, nicer graphical ways to select a crop region could be found, e.g. via a map-based GUI showing the L8 tile, but I guess that takes more time to program. Otherwise, the external bounding box of the L8 tile is very difficult to ascertain once inside the acolite GUI because it is already quite difficult to check the name of the L8 tile being processed (filename too long to be visible in the GUI entry template without scrolling) so if I have many tiles I may just have selected the wrong one as input.

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