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Commandline interaction with the software

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 9:48 am
by milyra
A feature that I could see a lot of benefit in is the ability to interact with the software through a commandline feature. Combining a pre-generated settings-file with a different input file, and being able to do this through a user-generated batch- / bash-file would help immensely when processing a timeseries of Landsat-8 scenes.
Inspiration for the approach could be taken from the MODIS Reprojection Tool, although the implementation would have to be very different due to the reliance on IDL in ACOLITE.

Re: Commandline interaction with the software

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 6:58 am
by quinten
Hi Mikkel

You can currently run a number of images using the same settings file, and I think it should work fine from a user generated script. Or did you have something else in mind?


From the processing options pdf (see releases):
An ACOLITE settings file needs to be generated in the GUI, and the images need to be given as
a comma separated string. The examples below use the included IDL runtime, but it is also
possible to use your own IDL installation.

open a terminal
cd /path/to/acolite/
idl82/bin/idl -rt=acolite.sav -args image=/path/to/image1,/path/to/image2

Select Start > Run…
enter cmd and press return
cd /path/to/acolite/
bin/bin.x86/idlrt.exe acolite.sav –args image=/path/to/image1,/path/to/image2
Note that the Windows version does not output any messages to the command line.

Re: Commandline interaction with the software

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 6:31 am
by milyra
Yes. Exactly what I was looking for. Hadn't thought to look under the change log in the processing options for the description. Thank you.

Re: Commandline interaction with the software

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 2:03 pm
by Kat

I am trying to run the command:

kat@pc-kb:~/Documents/acolite_linux_beta$ idl84/bin/idl -rt=winam_gulf -args image=list_winamgulf

But I get an error, I am probably missing something, hope someone can help out.



Re: Commandline interaction with the software

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 5:50 am
by quinten
Hey Kat

Make sure you call the ACOLITE runtime, specified by the -rt option. In fact if you execute this, it will just launch ACOLITE in a similar way to using the launch script or executable.

Code: Select all

idl84/bin/idl -rt=acolite.sav
The -args option specifies the arguments that are passed to the runtime. In this case 'settings' and 'image', for the path to the settings file and the image(s) or the list of images (txt) you want to process. Note that if you provide an image list, you need to include the full path to the images in the text file. The path to the settings file has to be the full path or relative to the ACOLITE directory.

Code: Select all

idl84/bin/idl -rt=acolite.sav -args settings=winam_gulf image=list_winamgulf
Hope this clarifies things!
