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RGB Images (stretching)

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 2:28 pm
by nicholas
Will it be possible to supply alternative RGB stretching methods for the creation of RGB images?

For example, it will be useful to have a RGB stretching that works well in high-latitude/low sun zenith angle scenes.

The problem is that in areas of bright land (such as snow, ice and desert) it can be difficult to get a good RGB image.

Re: RGB Images (stretching)

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 5:04 pm
by bbbarnes
I second this request - ability to output log-scaled RGB images would be a nice feature.

Thanks in advance for considering.

Re: RGB Images (stretching)

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 1:33 pm
by quinten
Hi Brian

There will probably be a couple of new options in the next ACOLITE version: linear/log/asinh/sqrt stretches and an attempt at automatic range setting (using 1 and 99 percentiles).

For sites with bright deserts or beaches these options should work pretty well. For high latitude images with low sun, dark water, and snow getting a nice RGB image is not so straightforward.

Could you list some scenes where you find the current RGB method to be unsatisfactory?
