ACOLITE 20170113.0

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ACOLITE 20170113.0

Post by quinten »

ACOLITE version 20170113.0 was publicly released on 2017-01-13.

ACOLITE now supports the new tile based format of the Sentinel-2 data distributed by ESA, and the Rayleigh correction of L8 and S2 has been updated.

Download the latest version here. Further details in the processing settings pdf.

Updates since 20161207.0:
  • - New 6SV Rayleigh tables for S2 and L8 taking into account the RSR of each band. This will especially improve the Rayleigh correction of the oddly shaped bands on S2/MSI (B2 and B8).
    - Analytical Rayleigh computation is added as an option (see Advanced Settings>Rayleigh). This can be useful for Rayleigh correction over land when looking towards glint, which was included in the 6SV LUT. The presence of glint in the Rayleigh LUT will in some cases overcorrect for land targets.
    - Added support for new Sentinel-2 formats, an intermediate format used briefly by ESA at the end of 2016, and the new single tile format with shortened name.
    - L8 output naming now uses the directory name if different from the original tile name. (Corresponding to the upcoming collection one format, which has a different directory naming, but retains the classic tile naming in the metadata.)
    - Fixed a bug with regions of interest only partially covered by Landsat tiles, where ACOLITE would give the message “Region not in image”. Partial tiles should now be cropped and positioned in the output file appropriately.
    - GUI elements are now suppressed when running batch mode from the command line (run=1).
    - Added the headless keyword for giving a non-zero exit code when an error occurs in batch mode.
Vanhellemont Q. & Ruddick K. (2014). Turbid wakes associated with offshore wind turbines observed with Landsat 8. Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 145, pp. 105–115. Open Access:
Vanhellemont Q. & Ruddick K. (2015). Advantages of high quality SWIR bands for ocean colour processing: Examples from Landsat-8 Remote Sensing of Environment. Volume 161, pp. 89–106. Open Access:
Vanhellemont Q. & Ruddick K. (2016) ACOLITE For Sentinel-2: Aquatic Applications of MSI imagery. Open Access Proceedings
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