ACOLITE 20160520.1

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ACOLITE 20160520.1

Post by quinten »

ACOLITE version 20160520.1 was publicly released on 2016-05-25.

This is a big update! ACOLITE now supports processing of Sentinel-2A scenes and granules.

Starting in this version, ACOLITE internally divides the images into subtiles that are individually processed. This has no impact on the output product, but is done for efficiency reasons. Processing speed is impacted a bit, but this implementation allows ACOLITE to output of more complex parameters (derived from multi-band algorithms such as QAA), and can more easily process multi-resolution Sentinel-2 images with many bands.

Due to the internal tiling, the option to not output a NetCDF file has been removed; i.e. ACOLITE will always make a NetCDF file. Due to the internal tiling a direct output to GeoTIFF is not possible, but if requested, GeoTIFF files will be generated from the NetCDF files.

Download the latest version here. Further details in the processing settings pdf.

Updates since 20160121.0:
- added Sentinel-2A support, the processing is detailed in Vanhellemont and Ruddick (2016) and can be discussed in this forum
- L1C scenes and granules distributed by ESA (scihub) are supported, as well as the tiles distributed by USGS (EarthExplorer)
- when processing a region of interest, multiple granules from the same UTM zone within a Sentinel-2A scene can be stitched together
- added the option to do a spatial averaging on the bands used in the aerosol correction to reduce noise
- added several new output parameters: QAA, and some chlorophyll algorithms exploiting the red-edge bands of Sentinel-2
- the Nechad SPM algorithm is now available for all bands within the tables provided by Nechad et al. (2010), the coefficients closest to the band averaged wavelength are selected
- the NetCDF files now have "auto_grouping" and "wavelength" attributes that are recognised by SNAP/SeaDAS/BEAM VISAT, and allow the easy use of their spectrum viewer
- the user can now specify the "alpha" = red/NIR water reflectance ratio for the red/NIR based atmospheric correction

Vanhellemont Q. & Ruddick K. (2014). Turbid wakes associated with offshore wind turbines observed with Landsat 8. Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 145, pp. 105–115. Open Access:
Vanhellemont Q. & Ruddick K. (2015). Advantages of high quality SWIR bands for ocean colour processing: Examples from Landsat-8 Remote Sensing of Environment. Volume 161, pp. 89–106. Open Access:
Vanhellemont Q. & Ruddick K. (2016) ACOLITE For Sentinel-2: Aquatic Applications of MSI imagery. Open Access Proceedings
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