ACOLITE Development News

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ACOLITE Development News

Post by quinten »

Hi everyone

At the beginning of February 2021 I decided it is time for another rewrite of ACOLITE. This will not be as a drastic a change as the switch from IDL to Python back in 2017-2018, but there will still be significant changes, especially behind the scenes. For example, the mess that is the main Landsat/Sentinel-2 atmospheric correction module at the moment needs to become simpler and easier to maintain. It is also time for me to merge the separate code for metre scale sensors (Pléiades, PlanetScope,...), Landsat and Sentinel-2 code, and integrate the new processing of Sentinel-3/OLCI data. Otherwise there are just too many different strands of code that I need to maintain and support!

I have renamed the acolite GitHub to acolite_ls2 and have created a new acolite repo where the new code base will be pushed. For the time being you can still use the binary release here on this website, or the code from the acolite_ls2 and acolite_mr GitHub pages. I will still support, but will not make any large developments on these code bases any more.

The official release of ACOLITE for Sentinel-3 OLCI will be with the new generic version. Stay tuned!

Let me know if you have any feedback!

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Re: ACOLITE Development News

Post by federica.braga »

Dear Quinten,
thank you so much for your work!
I look forward to the new ACOLITE version for S-3 (only binary release for me).
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Joined: Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:13 am

Re: ACOLITE Development News

Post by quinten »

Thanks for your message Federica! Glad to hear there are users of the binaries. :-)

I will continue making these for the upcoming version, but that may be a few weeks/months after I release the code on GitHub. This is mainly to do a public beta test and find issues that I did not come across myself. It takes some effort to generate and host the binaries for the three platforms, so I'd like to get the code as bug free as possible before the first binary release.

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Re: ACOLITE Development News

Post by federica.braga »

I understand and I really appreciate your efforts as you know!
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Re: ACOLITE Development News

Post by junzhao »

Hi Quinten,

Great to hear that a generic version will be released soon.

I am just wondering if the new version is able to deal with hyperspectral satellite imagery, such as HICO and PRISMA.

Thank you so much for your effort.

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Joined: Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:13 am

Re: ACOLITE Development News

Post by quinten »

Hi Jun

The new version will not immediately include the hyperspectral sensors. I do have code for processing CHRIS/HYPERION/HICO/PRISMA, and with the new structure it will be much easier to integrate those.

Posts: 56
Joined: Tue Mar 14, 2017 6:16 am

Re: ACOLITE Development News

Post by junzhao »

Hi Quinten,

Awesome. Recently, I am comparing Rrs from HICO imagery processed by SeaDAS and Polymer. But I have not assessed the results with in situ data. I am wondering if it is possible for you to share the code for HICO and Prisma.


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