Generic ACOLITE Public Beta

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Generic ACOLITE Public Beta

Post by quinten »

The generic ACOLITE code was released for Public Beta on 2021-04-21!

I am happy to provide this code on the ACOLITE GitHub for public beta testing:

Please let me know via your preferred channel (forum, email, GitHub) if you find any issues! Binary versions will follow later in the year, after this new codebase has stabilised a bit and the more egregious bugs have been found. The user manual will be updated (and hopefully improved) in the coming months.

There have been slight changes from the previous Landsat/Sentinel-2 version, but more importantly this version adds the processing capabilities from the metre-scale version (Pléiades, SPOT, PlanetScope, RapidEye, and WorldView-2/3). Newly added are Venµs and Sentinel-3/OLCI support. Default settings (should) follow the 2020 Optics Express and 2021 Remote Sensing of Environment papers.

To reduce the data volume, only generic LUTs are currently distributed in the main repository, which will need to be resampled to a specific sensor. This is done automatically the first time a sensor is processed, but may take a while. In some configurations a "reverse" LUT will need to be generated as well which can take a long time (hours). I have provided pre-resampled LUTs in a separate repository for most sensors:

Happy bug hunting!


Vanhellemont, Q., & Ruddick, K. (2018). Atmospheric correction of metre-scale optical satellite data for inland and coastal water applications. Remote Sensing of Environment, 216, 586-597. Open Access:
Vanhellemont, Q., (2019). Adaptation of the dark spectrum fitting atmospheric correction for aquatic applications of the Landsat and Sentinel-2 archives. Remote Sensing of Environment 225, 175–192. Open Access:
Vanhellemont, Q., (2019). Daily metre-scale mapping of water turbidity using CubeSat imagery. Optics express, 27(20), pp.A1372-A1399. Open Access:
Vanhellemont, Q., (2020). Sensitivity analysis of the dark spectrum fitting atmospheric correction for metre-and decametre-scale satellite imagery using autonomous hyperspectral radiometry. Optics Express, 28(20), pp.29948-29965. Open Access:
Vanhellemont, Q. and Ruddick, K., (2021). Atmospheric correction of Sentinel-3/OLCI data for mapping of suspended particulate matter and chlorophyll-a concentration in Belgian turbid coastal waters. Remote Sensing of Environment, 256, p.112284. Open Access:
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Joined: Thu May 10, 2018 1:39 pm

Re: Generic ACOLITE Public Beta

Post by oneLaker »

Congrats! Thanks for your share, Quinten! Best Regards--Zhigang
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