ACOLITE 20150306.0

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ACOLITE 20150306.0

Post by quinten »

ACOLITE version 20150306.0 was publicly released on 2015-03-06.

Notable updates include the posibility to use the SRTM DEM for determining the elevation of inland waters, batch mode through the command line, output of additional L2 parameters, applying gains per band, determining sub-scene epsilon, and pan-sharpending of RGB images.

Download the latest version here. Further details in the processing settings pdf.

Updates since 20141107.0:
  • - changed cloud mask limit to Wang and Shi (2006): 0.0215 for the 1609 nm channel
    - added Rayleigh corrected radiances as output
    - added BQA “quality assessment” band as output parameter
    - added range for parameter colour scale of maps
    - SPM maps are scaled linearly depending on P90 (0-5 / 0-10 / 0-15 / 0-50 / 0-100 gm-3)
    - Added support for running a batch of scenes through the command line:
    An ACOLITE settings file needs to be generated in the GUI, and the images need to be given as a comma separated string. The examples below use the included IDL runtime, but it is also possible to use your own IDL installation. Note that the Windows version does not output any messages to the command line.

    open a terminal
    cd /path/to/acolite/

    idl82/bin/idl -rt=acolite.sav -args image=/path/to/image1,/path/to/image2 settings=acolite_settings_file

    Select Start > Run…
    enter cmd and press return
    cd /path/to/acolite/

    bin/bin.x86/idlrt.exe acolite.sav –args image=/path/to/image1,/path/to/image2 settings=acolite_settings_file
    - added PAN sharpened RGB option in advanced settings
    - fixed wrong 1 pixel offset for certain crops and fixed size of PAN band when cropped
    - added text box allowing export of extra L2 products, see details in the processing settings pdf.
    - added support for SRTM 3 arc second DEM for Rayleigh correction scaling
    - added check for crop fully outside scene
    - turbidity maps are scaled linearly depending on P90: from 0 to 15 or from 0 to 40
    - fixed bug where cropped dimensions differ from lat/lon arrays by 1 pixel
    - fixed "crop_pos" bug when one end of the crop in latitude is outside the scene extent
    - added elevation as option to calculate air pressure / Rayleigh scaling for inland waters (standard homogeneous atmosphere with T=288.15K)
    - added NetCDF output of TOA reflectances for all bands and Rayleigh corrected reflectances for the SWIR bands
    - option to use USGS/LGPS provided reflectances, rather than calculate reflectances from USGS/LGPS radiances (the latter is still the default)
    - support for setting gains on B1-7 (with presets for vicarious calibration results from Nima and Bryan)
    - fixed an important bug in finding epsilon when resampling SWIR bands (for memory efficiency)
    - added the option to get a sub-scene epsilon - which can be quite different for inland waters when there are sea pixels in the scene
Vanhellemont Q. & Ruddick K. (2014). Turbid wakes associated with offshore wind turbines observed with Landsat 8. Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. Volume 145, pp. 105–115. Open Access:
Vanhellemont Q. & Ruddick K. (2015). Advantages of high quality SWIR bands for ocean colour processing: Examples from Landsat-8 Remote Sensing of Environment. Open Access:
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