Earth Data Ancillary Download

Technical questions about ACOLITE
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Earth Data Ancillary Download

Post by philbl »

Hi Quentin,

I did apply atmospheric correction in the past, and I was able to download the ancillary data for uov and pressure. "acolite_py_win\data\MET/2023/096/GMAO_MERRA2" for exemple.

But now I have a new computer. I did set my credentials in the config.txt, but it failed to download them. Did something change with the download of them ? Or did I forgot to do something on my new computer?

Thanks again for your help,

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Re: Earth Data Ancillary Download

Post by quinten »

Hi Philippe

I have tested here on Windows 10 and it seems that indeed none of the methods specifying the EARTHDATA credentials (i.e. netrc, settings, config) are working for the latest binary version. It could be that I made a mistake in the packages included in this binary release. Were you using this version on your previous machine?

I will pay more attention to this in the next release and actually test ancillary data retrieval. For the moment your best option is to set up a Python environment and run the code directly. Depending on your study area the use of ancillary information over the fixed defaults may not have a large impact (e.g. tested in this paper for Oostende, Belgium and AAOT, Italy)

[Edit] It seems the NASA/OBPG OceanData server is returning an Error, so maybe they have changed their access method again. I will investigate.

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Re: Earth Data Ancillary Download

Post by quinten »

Hi Philippe

I could manage to get the ancillary download working for the latest Windows binary by creating a .netrc file in my home directory with the following:

Code: Select all

machine earthdata
The config or settings methods may not be working if there is a hash # in either your username or password. Since many users add comments in their settings file I added a function which ignores everything after a #. I need to improve the settings file parsing in case the # should not be ignored (similar issues could arise with , or = characters).

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Joined: Sat Mar 09, 2024 5:13 am

Re: Earth Data Ancillary Download

Post by philbl »

Thanks Quinten,

That worked well !
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