problem with spm_nechad for S2 tile

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problem with spm_nechad for S2 tile

Post by tivincent »

Hello !

I am trying to compute *nechad* products from a S2 tile (T31TFJ, on Etang de Berre)
(the input product is S2B_MSIL1C for the date 20-04-2018, but i have also tested another date)

I have this error message :
Parameter spm_nechad not computed for .//
Required datasets for parameter spm_nechad are not in file

However I can compute other products such as chl* ...
I am using acolite_py_linux (v20180419.0) in --cli mode.

Thanks for your help !
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Re: problem with spm_nechad for S2 tile

Post by quinten »

Hi Vincent

There may be an issue with the band selection for the 'spm_nechad' default product where I hard-coded the required wavelength (664 nm for S2A). Because of the RSR and band naming change (related topic) this exact wavelength is not in the output product for S2A scenes after 2018-01-15. If you specify a wavelength you should be able to generate the product, e.g. spm_nechad_665

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Re: problem with spm_nechad for S2 tile

Post by tivincent »

Thanks Quinten !

Yes, I have computed the spm_nechad_665 product ;)

I have the same problem now with t_dogliotti (I have tried without success t_dogliotti_665)

Is there any way to change the hard-coded lines in source files ?

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Joined: Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:13 am

Re: problem with spm_nechad for S2 tile

Post by quinten »

Hi Vincent

The source code is not yet available; but this will happen at some point in the future!

You can output t_nechad_665 which is in essence the same as t_dogliotti_red. You should be able to ask for other wavelengths outputs of t_nechad, but at the moment these are not be correct, as the 645 nm coefficients are hardcoded as well!

I will update the wavelength requirements for t_dogliotti and the default t_nechad and spm_nechad with the new S2A wavelengths, and also add flexibility in the t_nechad coefficients, so you can also output the correct products at different wavelengths.

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