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L2W outputs not including bands 945 and 1373

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 4:43 pm
by catherine

Thanks so much for making this new version of ACOLITE! I am excited to be testing it.

When I run the DSF correction for S2A MSI tiles and specifying rhos_* as an export: (l2w_parameters=rhot_*, rhos_*) for some reason it does not produce the rhos for the 945 and 1373 bands. Is that standard behavior? I am using all the default settings. Those bands are missing both from the geotiffs and in the .nc file.



Re: L2W outputs not including bands 945 and 1373

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 4:38 am
by quinten
Hi Catherine

Those bands have low atmospheric transmittance (due to water vapour) and are skipped in the calculation of surface reflectance.


Re: L2W outputs not including bands 945 and 1373

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 6:05 pm
by catherine
<t>Great! That makes sense. Thanks for the quick reply. <br/>
Another thing I noticed is that even when I specify the output resolution as 10m (or 20m or whatever), the files that are generated remain in their native resolution (60, 10, and 20m). Does the s2_target_res=XX change the resolution only for some bands? <br/>
Thanks again!</t>

Re: L2W outputs not including bands 945 and 1373

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 6:57 pm
by quinten
Hi Catherine

Do you mean the NetCDF or GeoTIFF outputs? The bands in the NetCDF file should all be at the chosen resolution. I haven't really checked the GeoTIFF files.
