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Process Sentinel 3B L1 with AcoLite v20210802.0

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 10:33 am
by guoqiangqiu
Hi Quinten,
I am trying to get Rrs from Sentinel 3B Level 1 data with the latest version of AcoLite (v20210802.0). It showed that it cannot open /Gas/ which I downloaded from
I also tried to read this .nc data with Matlab ‘ncdisp’ function, but it doesn’t work either.
Could you check it for me? Many thanks!

Re: Process Sentinel 3B L1 with AcoLite v20210802.0

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2021 6:50 am
by quinten
Hi Guoqiang

Which platform are you on? Could you share the error you got and the settings you used?


Re: Process Sentinel 3B L1 with AcoLite v20210802.0

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2021 8:09 am
by guoqiangqiu
Hi Quinten,
I am working on Windows 10 platform.
I’m interested in your QAA-RGB work just published in RSE. It’s really a very nice study. I am trying to get Rrs & ZSD from both Sentinel-2 and -3 Level 1 data using AcoLite.
Now I processed S3, and the attached are screenshots.

Re: Process Sentinel 3B L1 with AcoLite v20210802.0

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2021 8:41 am
by quinten
Hi Guoqiang

I presume the file is in your ACOLITE data/LUT/Gas directory? The LUTs should be retrieved automatically, but perhaps the error 51 indicates that there is a network connection issue, and that LUTs cannot be downloaded from the GitHub repo. Can you check the file size/checksum of the Gas LUT? (~31.3MB, md5: a5ac6937a9fcd124368536529ba34884)


Re: Process Sentinel 3B L1 with AcoLite v20210802.0

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2021 10:30 am
by guoqiangqiu
Yes, at the beginning, I expected AcoLite can download file automatically, but it did not work at all, as shown in the screenshot. I am not sure it's a network problem. then I tried to download it from ' ...' manually. And the download file is only 128 K !
If it is due to network, I will try again in a new network environment.