Which PlanetScope data to get?

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Which PlanetScope data to get?

Post by quinten »

For processing of PlanetScope data (Planet Dove or SuperDove) in ACOLITE, you need to obtain PlanetScope Scene (PSScene) data as rectified top-of-atmosphere radiance images in GeoTIFF format.

In the Planet Explorer select either the Analytic radiance (TOAR) - 4 band:
PSScene_4B.png (76.86 KiB) Viewed 47288 times
Or the Analytic radiance (TOAR) - 8 band:
PSScene_8B.png (74.88 KiB) Viewed 47288 times
When using the API, download either the analytic_udm2 or the analytic_8b_udm2 datasets.
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