Running ACOLITE processing from Python

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Running ACOLITE processing from Python

Post by quinten »

With the source code distributed via GitHub, you can directly integrate ACOLITE in your Python scripts. For example if you have cloned ACOLITE into ~/git/acolite:

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# add acolite clone to Python path and import acolite
import sys, os
user_home = os.path.expanduser("~")
import acolite as ac

# scenes to process
bundles = ['/path/to/scene1', '/path/to/scene2']
# alternatively use glob
# import glob
# bundles = glob.glob('/path/to/scene*')

# output directory
odir = '/path/to/output/directory'

# optional 4 element limit list [S, W, N, E] 
limit = None

# optional file with processing settings
# if set to None defaults will be used
settings_file = None

# run through bundles
for bundle in bundles:
    # import settings
    settings = ac.acolite.acolite_settings(settings_file)
    # set settings provided above
    settings['limit'] = limit
    settings['inputfile'] = bundle
    settings['output'] = odir
    # other settings can also be provided here, e.g.
    # settings['s2_target_res'] = 60
    # settings['dsf_path_reflectance'] = 'fixed'
    # settings['l2w_parameters'] = ['t_nechad', 't_dogliotti']

    # process the current bundle
Posts: 1021
Joined: Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:13 am

Re: Running ACOLITE processing from Python

Post by quinten »

The same script should work for the generic ACOLITE, with a small change to the settings import:

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# add acolite clone to Python path and import acolite
import sys, os
user_home = os.path.expanduser("~")
import acolite as ac

os.environ['EARTHDATA_u'] = ''
os.environ['EARTHDATA_p'] = ''

# scenes to process
bundles = ['/path/to/scene1', '/path/to/scene2']
# alternatively use glob
# import glob
# bundles = glob.glob('/path/to/scene*')

# output directory
odir = '/path/to/output/directory'

# optional 4 element limit list [S, W, N, E] 
limit = None

# optional file with processing settings
# if set to None defaults will be used
settings_file = None

# run through bundles
for bundle in bundles:
    # import settings
    settings = ac.acolite.settings.parse(settings_file)
    # set settings provided above
    settings['limit'] = limit
    settings['inputfile'] = bundle
    settings['output'] = odir
    # other settings can also be provided here, e.g.
    # settings['s2_target_res'] = 60
    # settings['dsf_aot_estimate'] = 'fixed'
    # settings['l2w_parameters'] = ['t_nechad', 't_dogliotti']

    # process the current bundle
Posts: 1021
Joined: Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:13 am

Re: Running ACOLITE processing from Python

Post by quinten »

A simpler and perhaps more robust way to run from Python is to pass a dictionary of settings to acolite_run. The missing settings will be set to the global or sensor defaults.

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# add acolite clone to Python path and import acolite
import sys, os
user_home = os.path.expanduser("~")
import acolite as ac

# create empty dict and set some settings
settings = {}
settings['limit'] = 4 element limit ROI [S, W, N, E] 
settings['inputfile'] = path to bundle
settings['output'] = path to output directory

# run processing
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