ACOLITE Python - missing features

Post ideas for new features in ACOLITE
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ACOLITE Python - missing features

Post by quinten »

Since the old IDL version grew slowly over a couple of years, I chose not to include all features in the port to Python. If you were using a feature that was available in the IDL version and not in the Python version, please let me know here and I will try and add it back in a future release.

Features under consideration for future releases:
  • smoothing of rho_t datasets
  • Sentinel-2 angle outputs
  • Input of external mask datasets
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Re: ACOLITE Python - missing features

Post by quinten »

Features added in 20180419.0:
  • rhow_* outputs, these will be the same as the rhos_* but with SWIR based non-water masking added
  • Rrs_* outputs, these will be rhow_* / pi
  • red/NIR and NIR/SWIR options for the EXP algorithm (although the DSF will likely outperform these)
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Re: ACOLITE Python - missing features

Post by quinten »

Features added in 20180611.0:
  • GeoTIFF outputs
  • Rayleigh corrected reflectance outputs (rhorc_*)
  • consistent S2A wavelength naming before/after RSR update
  • processing does not crash if the ancillary data is unavailable
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Re: ACOLITE Python - missing features

Post by oneLaker »

I have some ideas about the ACOLITE outputs, they are only for references and may be not totally correct. :D

(1) Outputs are the L1R, L2R and L2W, these 3 files may be merged as one file, the L2R always includes L1R (rhot_*) and L2W is just masked surface reflectances and water quality.

(2) File size of output file is too big, in particular for the Sentinel-2, the output is greater than several Gb. Is it possible to use scale factor (for example, 0.0001) and int datatype in the dataset?

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Re: ACOLITE Python - missing features

Post by quinten »

Hi Zhigang

(1) There is some overlap between L1R and L2R, but the L1R file is sometimes used in the processing. I could add a delete L1R keyword which removes this file after processing. L2R and L2W do not necessarily have the overlap you describe; for example, the L2W could also just contain a turbidity product.

(2) I could add another keyword to convert the L2W data to integers. At the moment if you don't need the 10 m resolution for Sentinel-2 you can always process at 20 or 60 m.

I'm not sure when these things will arrive, but I'll keep them in mind!

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Re: ACOLITE Python - missing features

Post by oneLaker »

Hi Quinten,

Yes, the keyword is very flexible for every user, and I expected the next release. Thanks for your efforts for it.

Best Regards,
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