VHR sensors implementation and hyperspectral LUT

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VHR sensors implementation and hyperspectral LUT

Post by thibaut »

Hi Quinten,

Acolite is showing good results in my water quality and bathymetry projects with high resolution satellite imagery (Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8). I would like to use it on very high resolution imagery also (Pléiades, WorldView, SPOT6).

I noticed that Acolite was used on Pléiades imagery in your 2018 RSE publication, and that the PONDER project under which it is developed (if I am not mistaken) focuses on Pleiades imagery.

Is there a plan to release Acolite for Pléiades or other VHR imagery in the future?

Alternatively, I thought of adapting it to VHR sensors myself. After reading the publication and taking a quick look at the code, it seems like I would need the hyperspectral 6SV-generated Look-Up Table containing atmospheric correction parameters. But for now I only found the Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 resampled LUTs in the binary distributions and on the Github page.

Is the hyperspectral LUT publicly released, and if so, where could I find it?

Thank you for your work and for making the code available!

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Re: VHR sensors implementation and hyperspectral LUT

Post by quinten »

Hi Thibaut

I am planning to release the HR version of ACOLITE in the coming weeks - stay tuned! In the first place this will be for Pléiades and WorldView, but I will also include PlanetScope and RapidEye at some point. The base LUT is not available at the moment, but if you want it I can share it.

Posts: 7
Joined: Fri Jul 13, 2018 8:33 am

Re: VHR sensors implementation and hyperspectral LUT

Post by thibaut »

Hi Quinten,

Great news, I am looking forward to the next release then !
If that's OK with you it would be great if I could have a look at the base LUT. It might be useful for SPOT6 processing.

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