Does acolite output aerosol optical thickness (AOT)?

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Does acolite output aerosol optical thickness (AOT)?

Post by peterpan »

Hello, I am wondering if acolite output aerosol optical thickness (AOT). anyone knows?
Posts: 1021
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Re: Does acolite output aerosol optical thickness (AOT)?

Post by quinten »

If you use the default fixed DSF option there should be an aerosol optical thickness (ac_aot550) in the NetCDF global attributes. For the tiled processing there is currently no AOT output, but you can output the path reflectance by specifying dsf_write_tiled_parameters in your settings file.
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Re: Does acolite output aerosol optical thickness (AOT)?

Post by peterpan »

Thanks, Quinten. :D
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Re: Does acolite output aerosol optical thickness (AOT)?

Post by peterpan »

Hi, Quinton
I just find there is a key called ac_mode_char valued "M" in the output global attributes. What does it mean? aerosol type?
Posts: 1021
Joined: Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:13 am

Re: Does acolite output aerosol optical thickness (AOT)?

Post by quinten »

Yes! M is the "Maritime" and C the "Continental" model from 6SV. You can find some information on these models here:

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