ACOLITE results from a small inlad water

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ACOLITE results from a small inlad water

Post by NatalyaRV »


I have applied ACOLITE on small inlad water and attached are the Rrs, chorophyll, turbidity and SPM plots. The problem is, when we took the results from ACOLITE to SNAP, the generated images are black, and is confusing because, after studying it, we found out the only difference, between the one with good display on SNAP and the black images is the ACOLITE where were proceseed, the first one was processed in my techer's pc and the second one in my pc. We tried unintalling Python3 and Acolite and install it again, changing the sensors, selecting diferent images but the result on SNAP is the same, black images. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Natalya from Colombia.
Posts: 1019
Joined: Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:13 am

Re: ACOLITE results from a small inlad water

Post by quinten »

Hi Natalya

The images did not get attached to your post. This is not a problem, as I think this is a masking issue. Please read this topic and this older post with examples linked therein.

You can find out why the L2W datasets are masked by opening l2_flags from the L2W file in SNAP. It is probably the SWIR threshold that has been exceeded, as a result of sun glint on the water surface.

You will need to increase the masking threshold (see settings in 4.1.2 of the ACOLITE manual) to get outputs. But please read carefully the caveats in the posts linked above.

I hope this helps!

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