Automated tiling for processing of entire Landsat-8 scenes

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Automated tiling for processing of entire Landsat-8 scenes

Post by milyra »

First of all, very nice tool with a good selection of custom L2 products.
When using ACOLITE on Windows 7 there are significant memory issues - a feature that I'd like to request is automated tiling / subsetting of a Landsat-8 scene in the tool. This would then be followed by processing of each of the temporary tiles. The resulting output could either be the requested parameters for each of the automated tiles, or all of them mosaiced into one very large file, depending on file limitations. Number of tiles could potentially be a variable, but that seems like an unnecessary complication, 9 or 16 should cover most uses.
This would result in significantly less fiddling with AOI extents, when trying to get as much data through the processing without getting into trouble with the memory.
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Re: Automated tiling for processing of entire Landsat-8 scenes

Post by quinten »

Hi Mikkel

Thanks for your comment! I'll look into tiled processing of the scenes, which should be similar to the sub-region processing.

I am also testing an update of the runtime provided with ACOLITE, which hopefully would allow the use of more RAM in Windows.

Best regards,

Posts: 1019
Joined: Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:13 am

Re: Automated tiling for processing of entire Landsat-8 scenes

Post by quinten »

As a follow up to this post, ACOLITE should now (as of 20150701.1) be able to process full scenes on Windows thanks to the switch to IDL8.4. I like the tiling idea, and I'll keep it in the back of my head.

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