Var river plume, need better mountain shadow flagging

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Var river plume, need better mountain shadow flagging

Post by quinten »

Note: The following message was originally posted at the old ACOLITE board.

At IOCCG Summer School I downloaded a random image of Villefranche. Processing went well and shows the Var river plume as well as smaller sediment plumes (e.g. discharge at East side of Villefranche Bay), boat wakes, etc.

The only obvious processing problem in this image is that mountain shadows are not flagged but considered as dark water. Can this be improved?

I attach the Rhow561 and the USGS txt file so you can find the L1 file if necessary. Rayleigh-corrected RGB is too large (4MG) to upload here.
L8testONmultiPCLC81940302014072LGN00_rhow_5....png (908.01 KiB) Viewed 11123 times
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