acolite download ancillary data, but does not use them

Technical questions about ACOLITE
Posts: 1021
Joined: Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:13 am

Re: acolite download ancillary data, but does not use them

Post by quinten »

Hi Arun

Are you using the binary version of ACOLITE or the source code?

Posts: 25
Joined: Fri Oct 12, 2018 11:24 am

Re: acolite download ancillary data, but does not use them

Post by hnthang »


Could I raise the issue of ancillary data downloading from ACOLITE?

The credentials were added to /config/acolite_config.txt as guided, however ACOLITE can not automatically retrieve the ancillary data from

Code: Select all

Processing scene 1 of 1...
2020-07-15 11:11:13 - Processing L1C_T60HVD_A016028_20200331T221601
Downloading file S20200910009123_TOAST.OZONE failed
Downloading file N202009100_MET_NCEPR2_6h.hdf.bz2 failed
Downloading file N202009106_MET_NCEPR2_6h.hdf.bz2 failed
Downloading file N202009112_MET_NCEPR2_6h.hdf.bz2 failed
Downloading file N202009118_MET_NCEPR2_6h.hdf.bz2 failed
Downloading file N202009200_MET_NCEPR2_6h.hdf.bz2 failed
Downloading file N202009100_O3_AURAOMI_24h.hdf failed
No ozone file found for 2020-03-31
No NCEP files found for 2020-03-31
No ancillary pressure found: using default.
No ancillary ozone found: using default 0.3.
No ancillary ozone found: using default 1.5.

Despite the files are available at: ... /2020/091/

Do I miss something? Or any wrong configuration?

Posts: 1021
Joined: Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:13 am

Re: acolite download ancillary data, but does not use them

Post by quinten »

Hi Thang

Which version of ACOLITE are you using?

Posts: 1021
Joined: Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:13 am

Re: acolite download ancillary data, but does not use them

Post by quinten »

I too had issues downloading ancillary data. It seems like there is an 'User Type' that needed to be set for my EarthData account. After logging in to EarthData and setting the user account type (I chose 'Public User') the ancillary download in ACOLITE worked again.

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