Geotiff in geographic coordinates

Technical questions about ACOLITE
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Geotiff in geographic coordinates

Post by arunocean »

Hi all,

We are trying to output processed Sentinel data into Geotiff format into Geographic coordinates using xyoutput option "No" in the settings file. However, we are still getting Geotiff data in UTM system. We require this inorder to extract data at depth points for SDB. We tried using ncfile.. it is in geographic coordinates but the processing time for extraction in MATLAB is too high. Can someone help in this regard.

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Joined: Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:13 am

Re: Geotiff in geographic coordinates

Post by quinten »

Hi Arun

GeoTIFF outputs are currently only provided in the same projection as the input data. You can probably use gdalwarp to reproject the datasets to the coordinate system you need. There is an option in ACOLITE to export lat/lon datasets to GeoTIFF, but it has not been activated. I have now activated this in the source code, so it should appear in the next binary release as well: ... b84d79cc8d

How many points do you have to extract from the satellite data? It may be an option to convert your lon and lat coordinates to UTM easting and northing. (Or convert the easting and northing from the GeoTIFF to longitude and latitude.)

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