ESF Exploratory Workshop EW04-049: Towards a Census of Canopy Life

5-9 July 2005, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium

Convened by: Maurice Leponce (BE) and Yves Basset (PA)

participants RBINS participants arthropod

Assessing where the greater proportion of biodiversity is distributed is just as vital as knowing how many species there are. Ecologists, taxonomists and theoricians have to cooperate to understand the patterns of distribution of the mega-biodiversity (arthropods) in tropical forests. The workshop capitalized on the newer and largest dataset available to date (IBISCA project) to develop innovative lines of research related to arthropod beta-diversity and vertical stratification in tropical rainforests.

ESF logo
European Science Foundation - Life, Environmental and Earth Sciences (LESC)
with co-funding from
UNEP logo GCP logo
and with additional support from Solvay S.A. and Biotrac sprl.


Pre-workshop events



Working group 1

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Working group 2

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Working group 1

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Working group 1

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Group pictures

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