Public outreach
Magazines and reports
Sessions, L. 2003. Canterbury lecturer gets to the top of Panamanian rainforest research. University of Canterbury Chronicle, 28 (19), 5. 240KB
Ødegaard, F. 2003. Investigating the Biodiversity of soil and canopy arthropods (IBISCA) 2003-2005. In Norvegian Institute for Nature Research NINA, annual report 2003, p. 7.2735KB
Corbara, B. 2004. Diversité des arthropodes dans une forêt du Panama. Insectes, 133 : 3-7
Haït, J.-F. 2004. Des journées entières dans les arbres. Le Journal du CNRS, 169 : 28-30. 143KB (FR)
Daue, J.R. 2004. Au sommet de la forêt d'Emeraude. One Life magazine, 5 : 36-391939KB (FR)
Goede, C. 2004. Das Wunder des Lebens in den Bäumen. PM Mag, April 2004.
Greschik, S. (2004) Regenwald – Das unerforschte Paradies. GeoLino Extra, 3, 22-29. 1758KB
Scheers, R. 2004. Naar het dak van de Tropen. EOS magazine. Vol.21, nos 7/8 : 48-53 742KB (NL)
Beardsall, J. 2004. Blowing in the wind. 2 October 2004, pp. 52-59.2798KB
Corbara, B. 2004. La biodiversité dévoilée dans les forêts de Panama. Microscoop hors série, no 13, pp.10-13.1294KB
Curletti G., 2004 - Trappole nella foresta. Piemonte Parchi, Ed. Regione Piemonte, 141 (10): 36-38. 645KB
Corbara, B. 2004. IBISCA - Panama. Objectif biodiversité.Le Courrier de la Nature, 216:34-41.(6800K)(FR)
Lukás Cízek & David Hauck. 2005. Jeráby v pralese. Vesmir 84: 38-43.
Ribeiro, S.P. & Corbara, B. 2005. Dossel florestal: a fronteira desconhecida. Ciencia Hoje, 37:54-58.
Houot, G. 2005. L' "Arboglisseur" butine à la cime des arbres. National Geographic, French edition, dec.2005. (556K)(FR)
Hodebert, G. 2010. Quoi de neuf, Monsieur Noé? Et pour un insecte de plus ... (report on the new species Oronoqua ibisca) National Geographic, France.
Newspapers and newsletters
Mazzardis, L. 2004. Gli insetti visti dall'alto. il Mercoledì, 21 July 2004, 924KB (IT)
Ha studiato gli insetti a Barro Colorado. Gazetta d'Alba, 29 July 2004, 178KB (IT)
di Leonardo, P. 2004. Les gens disent que je suis un original. Le matin, 29 July 2004. 1294KB (FR)
Christian Du Brulle. 2005. Quand le Bretzel se fait outil. Le Soir, 24 June 2005.
University of Canterbury Chronicle vol.28 no.19, Nov. 27 2003 (240 K)
STRI Weekly Update and Forecast, September 29, 2003 (627 Kb)
Basset, Y. & Leponce, M. 2005. IBISCA: Towards a census of canopy life. What's up? The newsletter of the International Canopy Network, 12 (1):1-2. (160 KB)
Web-based media releases
Eurekalert 30 September 2003: Canopy raft, canopy crane, canopy bubble, Ikos tree house in Panama. IBISCA's push to understand insect habitats in the tropical forest.
Web site of the canopy raft: mainly in French, with a good selection of representative pictures. The site also presents background information for many of the methods of canopy access used during IBISCA 2003.
Futura Sciences provides a dossier in French about IBISCA 2003-2005.
Royal Belgian Institute of natural sciences - Expeditions
DVDs and television programmes
Television programmes
RTBF - Matière grise - Synopsis of a programme on Belgian television - 16 February 2004
Belgian television - RTBF. Télétourisme Dec. 2004.
IC Production S.A. series "Ce n'est pas le bout du monde". Broadcast on TV5. 2005
Public conferences and exhibitions
Public conferences
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Institut des Hautes Etudes. 2004. (Bruno Corbara)
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. European researchers' night: Trip to the tropical forest canopies. 23/09/2005. (Maurice Leponce)
Video projection of "Mission: IBISCA" (Solvay, 2004) at the Muséum d'histoire naturelle de la Ville de Genève (5 sept. - 1 oct. 2006)