JONSMOD was originally formed out of the 1970s research project "Joint North Sea Modelling Group". In 1981, Professor Phil Dike became its chairman. To broaden its scope, the acronym was changed to mean Joint Numerical Sea Modelling Group in the late 1980s.

More information on JONSMOD can be found at the following address: https://publicwiki.deltares.nl/display/JONSMOD/Home

One aim of the organisation is to allow young researchers to present their work in a friendly, unthreatening atmosphere but informed audience and to offer them the opportunity to publish their work in an internationally refereed journal.

The theme of JONSMOD remains: "Latest modelling techniques for shallow seas".

The main topics of interest to the conference are:

  • modelling of processes in shallow waters and regional oceans: waves, sediment transport, ecological processes
  • structured and unstructured grid techniques
  • data assimilation techniques
  • needs and use of remote sensing data
  • ...