Belgian Bird Ringing Centre
Why ring birds?
Ringing is a tool for monitoring and observation of wild bird populations. It makes it possible to study migration and demographics.
How to become a ringer?
To ring wild birds requires extensive knowledge in identification and behaviour. The certification process takes at least 4 years.
Have you found a ringed bird?
Each finding is important ! If you find a ringed bird, thank you to let us know. We will edit and send you a recovery sheet compiling all available data about the bird in question.
How do we operate?
A painstaking work realised thanks to the collaboration of hundreds of volunteer ringers, for science and conservation!
Research programmes
The Belgian ringing scheme participates to numerous national and international research programmes.
Protected access for ringers
Working Procedures, latest version and user manual of PAPAGENO are available here for the ringers of BeBirds.
Data access
Bird ringing is organised for science and Nature conservation. Data are of course accessible for study and management to researchers and authorities.
Migration maps
Have access to our database and view the migration maps for more than 250 species of wild birds.
Our annual report
Every year we publish a report giving i.a. the number of birds ringed and highlights of the ongoing research programs.