COHERENS-related publications
- Afsharian S., Taylor P.A., Momayez L. (2020). Investigating the potential impact of wind farms on Lake Erie. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 198: 104049.
- Mehrfar,H., Azad M.T., Lari K., Bidokhti A.A. (2020). Seasonal Variations of the Coastal Currents and Eddies in the Persian Gulf: A Numerical Case Study. Marine Technology Society Journal, 54: 1-52.
- Afsharian S., Taylor P.A. (2019). On the Potential Impact of Lake Erie Wind Farms on Water Temperatures and Mixed-Layer Depths: Some Preliminary 1-D Modeling Using COHERENS. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 124: 1736-1749.
- Barbut L., Groot Crego C., Delerue-Ricard S., Vandamme S., Volckaert F.A.M., Lacroix G. (2019). How larval traits of six flatfish species impact connectivity. Limnology & Oceanography, 64: 1150-1171.
- Barbut L., Vastenhoud B., Vigin L., Degrear S., Volckaert F.A.M., Lacroix G. (2019). The proportion of flatfish recruitment in the North Sea potentially affected by offshore windfarms. ICES Journal of Marine Science, fsz050.
- Dulière V., Gypens N., Lancelot C., Luyten P., Lacroix G. (2019). Origin of nitrogen in the English Channel and Southern Bight of the North Sea ecosystems. 2019. Hydrobiologia 845: 13-33.
- Matikolaei J.B., Bidokhti A.A., Shiea M. (2019). Some aspects of the deep abyssal overflow between the middle and southern basins of the Caspian Sea. Ocean Science, 15: 459-476.
- Desmit X., Thieu V., Billen G., Campuzano F., Dulière V., Garnier J., Lassaletta L., Ménesguen A., Neves R., Pinto L., Silvestre M., Sobrinho J., Lacroix G. (2018). Reducing marine eutrophication may require a paradigmatic change. Science of the Total Environment 635:1444-1466.
- Gharbi S.H., Albarakati A.M., Alsaafani M.A., Saheed P.P., Alraddadi T.M. (2018). Simulation of tidal hydrodynamics in the Red Sea using COHERENS model. Regional Studies in Marine Sciences, 22:49-60.
- Hernandez F., Smith G., Baetens K., Cossarini G., García-Hermosa I., Drevillon M., Maksymczuk J., Melet A., Régnier C., Schuckmann K. (2018). Measuring Performances, Skill and Accuracy in Operational Oceanography: New Challenges and Approaches. New Frontiers In Operational Oceanography.
- Kenarkoohi K., Sadrinassab M., Shahmirzaee H., Larki A.A. (2018). Modeling the physical properties of wave generated by turbulent wake of submarine in the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 47: 856-861.
- Lacroix G., Barbut L., Volckaert F.A.M. (2018). Complex response of projected sea temperature and wind change on flatfish dispersal. Global Change Biology, 24:85-100.,
- Maar M., Butenschon M., Daewel U., Eggert A., Fan W., Hjollo S., Hufnagl M., Huret M., Ji R., Lacroix G., Peck M., Radtke H., Sailley S., Sinerchia M., Skogen M., Travers-Trolet M., Troost T., van de Wolfshaar K. (2018). Lower trophic level complexity mediates responses to top-down 1 forcing: Insights from a comparative modelling approach. Ecological Modelling, 376: 54-67.
- Ménesguen A., Desmit X., Dulière V., Lacroix G., Thouvenin B., Thieu V., Dussauze M. 2018. How to avoid eutrophication in coastal seas? A new approach to derive river-specific combined nitrate and phosphate maximum concentrations. Science of the Total Environment 628-629: 400-414. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.02.025.
- Shen X.T., Lee B.J., Fettweis M., Toorman E.A. (2018). A tri-modal flocculation model coupled with TELEMAC for estuarine muds both in the laboratory and in the field. Water research, 145: 473-486.
- Shiea M., Nasimi S., Valipour A., Shiea M. (2018). Ocean thermal energy estimate in the southeastern of Caspian Sea: A numerical study. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 47: 1581-1586.
- Termonia P., Van Schaeybroeck B., De Cruz L., De Troch R., Caluwaerts S., Giot O., Hamdi R., Vannitsem S., Duchêne F., Willems P., Tabari H., Van Uytven E., Hosseinzadehtalaei P., Van Lipzig N., Wouters H., Vanden Broucke S., van Ypersele J.-P., Marbaix P., Villanueva-Birriel C., Fettweis X., Wyard C., Scholzen C., Doutreloup S., De Ridder K., Gobin A., Lauwaet D., Stavrakou T., Bauwens M., Müller J.-F., Luyten P., Ponsar S., Van den Eynde D., and E. Pottiaux. 2018. The initiative as a foundation for climate services in Belgium, Climate Services, 11, 49-61.
- Tuomi L., Miettunen E., Alenius P., Myrberg K. (2018). Evaluating hydrography, circulation and transport in a coastal archipelago using a high-resolution 3D hydrodynamic model. Journal of Marine Systems, 180: 24-36.
- Amour I., Tuomo K. (2017). A variational ensemble Kalman filtering method for data assimilation using 2D and 3D version of COHERENS model. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 83: 544-558.
- Delecluyse K., Chu K., Lee B.J., Vanlede J., Luyten P., Baetens K., Verwaest T., Mostaert F., Schramkowski G.P., Heredia Gomez M., Rauwoens P., Van Oyen T., Monbaliu J., Komijani H., Breugem A. (2017). COHERENS Validation report.
- Hufnagl M., Payne M., Bolle L., Daewel U., Dickey-Collas M., Gerkema T., Huret M., Janssen F., Kreus M., Lacroix G., Pätsch J., Pohlmann T., Ruardij P., Schrum C., Skogen M., Tiessen M., Petitgas P., van Beek J., Van der Veer H., Callies U. (2017). Addressing the variability of drift models: The North Sea Model Intercomparison Project (NoSeMIP). Journal of Sea Research, 127: 133-149.
- Namin M., Mohandesi A., Bidokhti A., Karami Khaniki A. (2017). Estimation of turbulence parameters in a shallow sea using numerical simulation with sensensitivity to vertical mixing. Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences, 46: 1788-1798.
- Van Lancker V., Francken, F., Kint L., Terseleer N., Van den Eynde D., De Mol L., de Tré G., De Mol R., Missiaen T., Hademenos V., Bakker M., Maljers D., Stafleu J., van Heteren S. (2017). Building a 4D Voxel-Based Decision Support System for a Sustainable Management of Marine Geological Resources. In Diviacco, P., Leadbetter, A., & Glaves, H. (Ed.), Oceanographic and Marine Cross-Domain Data Management for Sustainable Development (pp. 224-252). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-0700-0.ch010
- Oganjan, Katarina, et al. "Factors affecting the recruitment of Amphibalanus improvisus and Dreissena polymorpha in a highly eutrophic brackish bay." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 184 (2017): 37-45.
- Van Lancker, Vera, et al. "Building a 4D Voxel-Based Decision Support System for a Sustainable Management of Marine Geological Resources." Oceanographic and Marine Cross-Domain Data Management for Sustainable Development. IGI Global, 2017. 224-252.
- Amour, Idrissa, and Tuomo Kauranne. "A Variational Ensemble Kalman Filtering method for data assimilation using 2D and 3D version of COHERENS model." International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids (2016).
- Akbari, P., M. Sadrinasab, and F. Bateni. "Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling Study of Thermal Pollution and its effect on dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll." (2016).
- Shiea, M., V. Chegini, and A. A. Bidokhti. "Impact of wind and thermal forcing on the seasonal variation of three-dimensional circulation in the Caspian Sea." (2016).
- Namin, M. Mohandesi, et al. "A Study of the Performances of Different Turbulence Schemes in Numerical Simulation of Hydrodynamics of a Semi-Closed Sea (Persian Gulf)." Marine Geodesy 39.2 (2016): 141-164.
- Hassanzadeh, Smaeyl, Omid Hajrasouliha, and Ali Rezaei Latifi. "The Role of Wind in Modeling of Oil Pollution Transport and Diffusion in the Persian Gulf." Environmental Modeling & Assessment 21.6 (2016): 721-730.
- Yang, Xuefei, et al. "Using GOCI Retrieval Data to Initialize and Validate a Sediment Transport Model for Monitoring Diurnal Variation of SSC in Hangzhou Bay, China." Water 8.3 (2016): 108.
- Ponsar, Stéphanie, Patrick Luyten, and Valérie Dulière. "Data assimilation with the ensemble Kalman filter in a numerical model of the North Sea." Ocean Dynamics 66.8 (2016): 955-971.
- Vijith, V., et al. "Residual estuarine circulation in the Mandovi, a monsoonal estuary: A three-dimensional model study." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 173 (2016): 79-92.
- Wang, Yan, and Zhi-li Zou. "Longshore currents over barred beach with mild slope." China Ocean Engineering 30 (2016): 193-204.
- Lou, Sha, et al. "Hurricane impacts on turbidity and sediment in the Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Florida, USA." International Journal of Sediment Research (2016).
- Baeye, M., et al. "Detection of shipwrecks in ocean colour satellite imagery." Journal of Archaeological Science 66 (2016): 1-6.
- Rezaei-Latifi, Ali. "Spatial and temporal variability of the surface permittivity of Persian Gulf water at the C-band." Applied Mathematical Modelling 40.2 (2016): 1069-1081.
- Kotta, Jonne, et al. "Shipping and natural environmental conditions determine the distribution of the invasive non-indigenous round goby Neogobius melanostomus in a regional sea." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 169 (2016): 15-24.
- Assmuth, Timo, et al. "Integrated frameworks for assessing and managing health risks in the context of managed aquifer recharge with river water." Integrated environmental assessment and management 12.1 (2016): 160-173.
- John, Betty, et al. "COHERENS: a hydrodynamic model validated for the west coast of India." CURRENT SCIENCE 109.2 (2015): 288.
- Hajrasouliha, Omid, and Smaeyl Hassanzadeh. "The impact of wind stress in modeling of oil pollution diffusion in the Persian Gulf." Journal of Bioremediation & Biodegradation 2015 (2015).
- Termonia, Piet, et al. "CORDEX. be: COmbining Regional climate Downscaling EXpertise in Belgium." (2015).
- Miettunen, Elina, et al. "High-resolution Modelling of 3D-Hydrodynamics in the Finnish Archipelago Sea." Multiple drivers for Earth system changes in the Baltic Sea region (2016): 44.
- Berlianty, Dessy. "Tide and Tidal Current in the Bali Strait, Indonesia." Marine Research in Indonesia 36.2 (2015): 25-36.
- Yang, Xuefei, et al. "Restoration of cloud contaminated ocean color images using numerical simulation." SPIE Remote Sensing. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2015.
- Mano, Akiko, et al. "Assimilation of satellite data to 3D hydrodynamic model of Lake Säkylän Pyhäjärvi." Water Science and Technology 71.7 (2015): 1033-1039.
- Zhu, Liangsheng, and Qing Wang. "Numerical Mesocosm Experimental Study on Harmful Algal Blooms of Two Algal Species in the East China Sea." Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2015 (2015).
- Rauwoens, Pieter, Peter Troch, and Jan Vierendeels. "A geometric multigrid solver for the free-surface equation in environmental models featuring irregular coastlines." Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 289 (2015): 22-36.
- Kämpf, Jochen. "Undercurrent‐driven upwelling in the northwestern Arafura Sea." Geophysical Research Letters 42.21 (2015): 9362-9368.
- Baeye, Matthias, and Michael Fettweis. "In situ observations of suspended particulate matter plumes at an offshore wind farm, southern North Sea." Geo-Marine Letters 35.4 (2015): 247-255.
- Bendtsen, Jørgen, John Mortensen, and Søren Rysgaard. "Modelling subglacial discharge and its influence on ocean heat transport in Arctic fjords." Ocean Dynamics 65.11 (2015): 1535-1546.
- Kotta, Jonne, et al. "Modelling habitat range and seasonality of a new, non-indigenous polychaete Laonome sp.(Sabellida, Sabellidae) in Pärnu Bay, the north-eastern Baltic Sea." Aquatic Invasions 10.3 (2015): 275-285.
- Elhakeem, Abubaker, Walid Elshorbagy, and Tobias Bleninger. "Long-term hydrodynamic modeling of the Arabian Gulf." Marine pollution bulletin 94.1 (2015): 19-36.
- Rezaei-Latifi, A., and F. Hosseinibalam. "An estimate of the surface heat fluxes transfer of the Persian Gulf with the overlying atmosphere." Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences 8.3 (2015): 354-361.
- Kämpf, Jochen. "Interference of wind-driven and pressure gradient-driven flows in shallow homogeneous water bodies." Ocean Dynamics 65.11 (2015): 1399-1410.
- Vansteenbrugge, Lies, et al. "Gelatinous zooplankton in the Belgian part of the North Sea and the adjacent Schelde estuary: Spatio-temporal distribution patterns and population dynamics." Journal of Sea Research 97 (2015): 28-39.
- Kotta, Jonne, et al. "Establishing functional relationships between abiotic environment, macrophyte coverage, resource gradients and the distribution of Mytilus trossulus in a brackish non-tidal environment." PloS one 10.8 (2015): e0136949.
- Pu, Xiang, et al. "Circulation and mixing along the North Passage in the Changjiang River estuary, China." Journal of Marine Systems 148 (2015): 213-235.
- Kovtun-Kante, Anastasiia. Charophytes of Estonian inland and coastal waters: distribution and environmental preferences. Diss. 2015.
- Bendtsen, J., Mortensen, J., and Rysgaard, S. (2014). Seasonal surface layer dynamics and sensitivity to runoff in a high Arctic fjord (Young Sound/Tyrolerfjord, 74°N). Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119, 6461–6478.
- Kämpf, J., and Ellis, H. (2014). Hydrodynamics and Flushing of Coffin Bay, South Australia: A Small Tidal Inverse Estuary of Interconnected Bays. Journal of Coastal Research.
- Vinh, V.D., Baetens, K., Luyten, P., Tu, T.A., and Anh, N.T.K. (2014). The influence of surface wind on the salinity distribution and circulation in the coastal waters of the Res river Delta, Vietnam. Journal of Marine Science and Technology 13, 12–20.
- Wang, Q., Zhu, L., and Wang, D. (2014). A numerical model study on multi-species harmful algal blooms coupled with background ecological fields. Acta Oceanologica Sinica 33, 95–105.
- Bendtsen, J., and Hansen, J.L. (2013a). A model of life cycle, connectivity and population stability of benthic macro-invertebrates in the North Sea/Baltic Sea transition zone. Ecological Modelling 267, 54–65.
- Bendtsen, J., and Hansen, J.L. (2013b). Effects of global warming on hypoxia in the Baltic Sea–North Sea transition zone. Ecological Modelling 264, 17–26.
- Bendtsen, J., Gustafsson, K.E., Lehtoranta, J., Saarijärvi, E., Rasmus, K., and Pitkänen, H. (2013). Modeling and tracer release experiment on forced buoyant plume convection from coastal oxygenation. Boreal Environment Research 18, 37–52.
- Guillou, N., Chapalain, G., and Duvieilbourg, E. (2013). Modelling impact of bottom roughness on sea surface temperature in the Sea of Iroise. Continental Shelf Research 54, 80–92.
- Hansen, J.L., and Bendtsen, J. (2013). Parameterisation of oxygen dynamics in the bottom water of the Baltic Sea–North Sea transition zone. Marine Ecology Progress Series 481, 25–39.
- Hassanzadeh, S., Hajrasouliha, O., Latifi, A.R., and Nohegar, A. (2013). The Impact of Physical Processes on Oil Pollution Diffusion in the Persian Gulf. Environmental Forensics 14, 312–323.
- Kotta, J. (2013). Water salinity and benthic macrophyte communities are the key variables defining the distribution pattern of benthic faunal assemblages in the shallow water areas of the Gulf of Riga. Estonian Journal of Ecology 62, 107ø e120.
- Kotta, J., Pärnoja, M., Katajisto, T., Lehtiniemi, M., Malavin, S.A., Reisalu, G., Panov, V.E., and others (2013). Is a rapid expansion of the invasive amphipod Gammarus tigrinus Sexton, 1939 associated with its niche selection: a case study in the Gulf of Finland, the Baltic Sea. Aquatic Invasions 8, 319–332.
- Tuomi, L., Myrberg, K., and Lehmann, A. (2013). The performance of different vertical turbulence parameterizations in modelling the development of the seasonal thermocline in the Gulf of Finland. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, p. 8229.
- Yusuf, M., and Yanagi, T. (2013). Numerical modeling of tidal dynamics in the Java Sea. International Coastal Research Center, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute.
- Baetens K., V. Vu Duy, T. Tran Anh and P. Luyten, 2012. The influence of surface wind on the salinity distribution and circulation of the coastal waters of the Red River Delta, Vietnam. Ocean Dynamics, submitted.
- Baeye M., M. Fettweis, S. Legrand, Y. Dupont and V. Van Lancker, 2012. Mine burial in the seabed of high-turbidity area – Findings of a first experiment. Continental Shelf Research, in press.
- França C., P. Luyten and E. Campos, 2012. Towards an operational model of the southeastern Brazilean shelf. Ocean Dynamics, in preparation.
- Ganning Zen, Jianyu Hu, Huasheng Hong and Yiquan Qi, 2012. Numerical study on M2 tidal system in the Taiwan street. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 12, 702-707.
- Kämpf, 2012. Lee effects of localized upwelling in a shelf-break canyon. Continental Shelf Research, in press.
- Liang Bin-Chen, Zhao Hongping, Li Hua-Jun and Wu Guoxiang, 2012. Numerical study of three-dimensional wave-induced longshore current's effects on sediment spreading of the Huanghe river mouth. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 31, 129-138.
- Ponsar S., 2012. Model state and parameter estimation by assimilation of temperature profiles with an Ensemble Kalman Filter in North Sea simulations. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Catholique de Louvain,171 pp.
- Hosseini S.T., H. Farjami and S.M. Mahmodi, 2012. Application of COHERENS in modeling pollution dispersion in a shallow tide-effected bay. Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, 37.
- Arndt S., G. Lacroix, N. Gypens, P. Regnier and C. Lancelot, 2011. Nutrient dynamics and phytoplankton development along an estuary-coastal zone continuum: A model study. Journal of Marine Systems, 84, 49-66.
- Guillou N. and G. Chapalain, 2011. Effects of waves on the initiation of headland-associated sandbanks. Continental Shelf Research, 31, 1202-1213.
- Guillou N. and G. Chapalain, 2011. Modelling impact of northerly wind-generated waves on sediments resuspensions in the Dover Strait and adjacent waters. Continental Shelf Research, 31, 1894-1903.
- Gypens N., G. Lacroix, C. Lancelot, A. Borges, 2011. Seasonal and inter-annual variability of air-sea CO2 fluxes and seawater carbonate chemistry in the Southern Bight of the North Sea. Progress in Oceanography, 88: 59-77. Doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2010.11.004.
- Hassanzadeh S., F. Hosseinibalam and A. Rezaei-Latifi, 2011. Numerical modelling of salinity variations due to wind and thermohaline forcing in the Persian Gulf. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 35, 1512-1537.
- Luyten P, 2011. COHERENS — A coupled Hydrodynamical-Ecological Model for Regional and Shelf Seas: User Documentation. Version 2.0. RBINS-MUMM Report, Royal Belgian Institute of the Natural Sciences, 1192 pp.
- Ponsar S., P. Luyten and J. Ozer, 2011. Combined model state and parameter estimation with an ensemble Kalman filter in a North Sea station 1-D numerical model. Ocean Dynamics, 61, DOI 10.1007/s10236-011-0477-5, 1869-1886.
- Shi John Z. and Li-Feng Lu, 2011. A short note on the dispersion, mixing, stratification and circulation within the plume of the partially-mixed Changjiang river estuary, China. Journal of Hydro-Environment Research, 5, 111-126.
- Xiu-Yun S., B. Hong-Xia, L. Chang-Yin, L. Jian-Sheng and W. Lian-Jun, 2011. Numerical simulation of seasonal variation of temperature in the Bohai Sea. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 10, 1914-1919.
- Zaldivar J.M., D. Marinov, S. Dueri, J. Castro-Jimenéz, C. Micheletti and A.P. Worth, 2011. An integrated approach for bioaccumulation assessment in mussels: Towards the development of environmental quality standards for biota. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 74, 244-252.
- Dueri S., D. Marinov, A. Fiandrino, J. Tronczynski and J.-M. Zaldivar, 2010. Implementation of a 3D coupled hydrodynamic and contaminant fate model for PCDD/Fs in Thau Lagoon (France): The importance of atmospheric sources of contamination. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 7, 1467-1485. .
- Fettweis M., F. Francken, D. Van den Eynde, T. Verwaest, J. Janssens, V. Van Lancker, 2010. Storm influence on SPM concentrations in a coastal turbidity maximum area with high anthropogenic impact (southern North Sea). Continental Shelf Research, 30, 1417-1427.
- Gräwe U., J.-O. Wolf and J. Ribbe, 2010. Impact of climate variability on an East Australian bay. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 86, 247-257.
- Guillou N. and G. Chapalain, 2010. Numerical simulation of tide-induced transport of heterogeneous sediments in the English Channel. Continental Shelf Research, 30, 806-819.
- Guillou N. and G. Chapalain, 2010. Storm waves-induced resuspensions of seabed sediments in the Dover Strait. Comparison of modeling results with measurements. European Journal of Environment and Civil Engineering, 14, 163-179.
- Kämpf J., 2010. On preconditioning of coastal upwelling in the eastern Great Australian Bight. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, C12071, doi:10.1029/2010JC006294.
- Kämpf, J., P. Malthouse and N. Payne, 2010. Marine connectivity in a large inverse estuary. Journal of Coastal Research, 26, 1047-1056.
- Kim Chang-Hoon, 2010. Numerical study on flow structure and behavior of dissolved oxygen in Ise Bay, Japan, using COHERENS model. Ph.D. Thesis, Nagoya University, Japan, 129 pp.
- Lenhart H-J., D.K. Mills, H. Baretta-Bekker, S.M. van Leeuwen, J. van der Molen, J.W. Baretta, M. Blaas, X. Desmit, W. Kühn, G. Lacroix, H.J. Los, A. Ménesguen, R. Neves, R. Proctor, P. Ruardij, M.D. Skogen, A. Vanhoutte-Brunier, M.T.Villars, S.L. Wakelin., 2010. Predicting the consequences of nutrient reduction on the eutrophication status of the North Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 81: 148-170.
- Liang Bing-Chen, Li Hua-Jun and Zang Jing, 2010. Study of wave induced radiation stress and vertical mixing in the Yellow River runoff diffusion. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 22, 97-100.
- Liang Bin-Chen, Lee Dong-Yong, Li Hua-Jun and Zhang Jing, 2010. Sensitivity study of the effects of wave-induced vertical exchange processes. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 22, 410-418.
- Liang Bin-Chen, Liu Ying and Lili Yang, 2010. Numerical experiments analysis of wave-induced vertical mixing's effects on sea surface wind-induced momentum transfer. ASME conference proceedings, Ocean Engineering, 4, 455-463.
- Mestres M., J.P. Sierra, C. Mösso and A. Sanchez-Arcilla, 2010. Modelling the sensitivity to various factors of shipborne pollutant discharges. Environmental Modelling & Software, 25, 333-343.
- Savina M., G. Lacroix and K. Ruddick, 2010. Modelling the transport of common sole larvae in the southern North Sea: influence of hydrodynamics and larval vertical movements. Journal of Marine Systems, 81, 86-98.
- Shi John Z., Chen Li , Xing-Ping Dou, 2010. Three-dimensional modeling of tidal circulation within the north and south passages of the partially-mixed Changjiang river estuary, China. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 22, 656-661.
- Shi John Z., Li-Feng Lu and Ya-Nan Lu, 2010. The hydrodynamics of an idealized estuarine plume along a straight coast: A numerical study. Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 15, 487-502.
- Timmermann K., S. Markager and K.E. Gustafsson, 2010. Streams or open sea ? Tracing sources and effects of nutrient loadings in a shallow estuary with a 3-D hydrodynamic-ecological model. Journal of Marine Systems, 82, 111-121. .
- Wu D. and Y. Yan, 2010. Numerical simulation of the transport and diffusion of dissolved pollutants in the Chanjiang (Yangtze) river estuary. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 28, 649-657.
- Zhang J., Liang Bin-Chen and Li Hua-Jun, 2010. Numerical simulation of wave-induced current with vertical radiation stress. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 22, 254-259.
- Awad E., E. Toorman and C. Lacor, 2009. Large eddy simulations for quasi-2D turbulence in shallow flows: A comparison between different subgrid scale models. Journal of Marine Systems, 77, 511-528.
- Bendtsen J., K.E. Gustafsson, J. Söderkvist and J. Hansen, 2009. Ventilation of bottom water in the North Sea – Baltic Sea transition zone. Journal of Marine Systems, 75, 138-149.
- Dueri S., I. Dahllöf, M. Hjorth, D. Marinov and J.-M. Zaldivar, 2009. Modeling the combined effect of nutrients and pyrene on the plankton population: Validation using mesocosm experiment data and scenario analysis. Ecological Modelling, 220, 2060-2067.
- Dueri S., J. Castro-Jiménez and J.-M. Zaldivar, 2009. Modelling the influence of thermal stratification and complete mixing on the distribution and fluxes of polychlorinated biphenyls in the water column of Ispra Bay (Lake Maggiore). Chemosphere, 75, 1266-1272.
- Gräwe U., J.-O. Wolff and J. Ribbe, 2009. Mixing, hypersalinity and gradients in Hervey Bay, Australia. Ocean Dynamics, 59, 643-658.
- Guillou N., G. Chapalain and L. Thais, 2009. Three-dimensional modeling of tide-induced suspended transport of seabed multicomponent sediments in the eastern English Channel. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, C07025, doi:10.1029/2008/C004791.
- Kämpf J., 2009. On the interaction of time-variable flows with a shelfbreak canyon. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 39, 248-260.
- Kämpf J., 2009. Impacts of blending on dilution of negatively buoyant brine discharge in a shallow tidal sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 58, 1032-1038.
- Kämpf J., C. Brokensha and T. Bolton, 2009. Hindcasts of the fate of desalination brine in large inverse estuaries: Spencer Gulf and Gulf St. Vincent, South Australia. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2, 325-333.
- Li N., Z. Mao and Q. Zhang, 2009. The impact of physical processes on pollutant transport in Hangzhou Bay. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 27, 266-276.
- Lopes J.F., A.C. Cardoso, M.T. Moita, A.C. Rocha and J.A. Ferreira, 2009. Modelling the temperature and the phytoplankton distributions at the Aveiro near coastal zone, Portugal. Ecological Modelling, 220, 940-961.
- Marinov D., S. Dueri, I. Puillat, R. Carafa, E. Jurado, N. Berrojalbiz, J. Dachs and J.-M. Zaldivar, 2009. Integrated modelling of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the marine environment: Coupling of hydrodynamic, fate and transport, bioaccumulation and planktonic food-web models. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 58, 1554-1561.
- Mestres M., J.P. Sierra, C. Mösso and A. Sánchez-Arcilla, 2010. Modelling the sensitivity to various factors of shipborne pollutant discharges. Environment Modelling & Software, 25, 333-343.
- Mestres M., J.P. Sierra, A. Pascual, C. Mosso, J. Gonzales del Rio, M. Rodilla, 2009. Bacterial pollution in Cullera Bay (Spanish Mediterranean coast). Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56, 861-865.
- Ponsar S. and P. Luyten, 2009. Data assimilation with the EnKF in a 1-D numerical model of a North Sea station. Ocean dynamics, 59, DOI 10.1007/s10236-009-0224-3, 983-996.
- Sadrinasab M., 2009.Three-dimensional numerical modeling study of the coastal upwelling in the Persian Gulf. Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, 3, 560-566.
- Sadrinasab M. and K. Kenarohi, 2009. Three-dimensional numerical modelling study of sound speed in the Persian Gulf. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 2, 232-239.
- Zaldivar J.-M., F.S. Bacelar, S. Dueri, D. Marinov, P. Viaroli and E. Hernández-Garcia, 2009. Modeling approach to regime shifts of primary production in shallow coastal ecosystems. Ecological Modelling, 220, 3100-3110.
- Zintzen V., A. Norro, C. Massin and J. Mallefet, 2008. Spatial variability of epifaunal communities from artificial habitat: Shipwrecks in the southern Bight of the North Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 76, 327-344.
- Awad E., 2008. Horizontal turbulent mixing in 3D hydrodynamic modeling. Ph.D. Thesis, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 200 pp. .
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