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The IBISCA project web site is now on

IBISCA (Investigating the Biodiversity of Soil and Canopy Arthropods) is a research project web site that was previously hosted on our corporate web server. Contributors for IBISCA are the terrestrial biodiversity monitoring and assessment (BIOMON) team members of our aquatic and terrestrial ecology research group (ATECO).

In IBISCA, BIOMON studies the spatial (horizontal, vertical, altitudinal) and temporal distribution of arthropods, organisms which constitute a major part of forest biodiversity. Interactions with plants and selected other organisms are also studied. This is important research as forest arthropods maintain a series of crucial ecosystem services and represent unrivaled amounts of genetic diversity. As the distribution of organisms is highly heterogeneous in time and space, IBISCA favours a multi-taxa, multi-habitat, multi-protocol and multi-seasons approach. A large array of canopy access methods are used within the project.


IBISCA: Investigating the Biodiversity of Soil and Canopy Arthropods

IBISCA's goal is to study the spatial and temporal distribution of forest arthropods in order to assess the ecosystem's biodiversity

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