CHRIS sensor on PROBA-1 platform

Compact High Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (CHRIS) is the main instrument of the PROBA-1 satellite. PROBA-1 (Project for On-Board Autonomy-1) is a small cube satellite, it has been launched in October 2001 and it is still operating. CHRIS sensor is flexible with different acquisition modes representing a trade-off between spatial, spectral and radiometric resolution. It also has a multi-views acquisition option. With the multi-view mode, CHRIS takes five images of the same target with different view angles within 2.5 minutes. These angles, called fly-by-zenith angles (FZA), are defined as zenith angles between the satellite and the projection of the target on the orbit ground-track and are set to 55°, 36°, 0°, -36° and -55° for each scene acquisition. These 5 images have a great potential to study atmospheric BRDF and air-water interface BRDF.