
The general objective of the AQUALOOKS project is to improve the optical remote sensing of aquatic particles by using multi-look satellite data, particularly for turbid waters.

The specific objectives include:

  • Design of multi-look algorithms for improved atmospheric correction over turbid waters and testing with in situ and satellite data
  • Design and testing of multi-look algorithms for improved air-water interface (including sunglint) correction over turbid water and testing with in situ and satellite data
  • Design and testing of algorithms for improved turbid water BRDF correction and testing with in situ and satellite data
  • Investigation of feasibility of multi-look algorithms for retrieval of aquatic particle size/type
  • Refinement of a pan-and-tilt system (hardware, control software, data processing software) for abovewater radiometry to provide multi-look BRDF data
  • Acquisition of benchmark in situ datasets for validation of water BRDF models
  • Provide recommendations for future satellite missions as regards design of multi-look sensors for aquatic applications