odnature.naturalsciences.be is the scientific web platform for the Operational Directorate Natural Environment (or OD Nature in short), Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. It will host web sites and applications related to our various research groups, teams, operational services and projects for which specialised scientific web development is required. More information about RBINS and OD Nature can be found on our corporate web site.
We are developing and hosting scientific web sites and applications related to
oceanography mathematical modelling environmental emergency response tools sediment transport the Belgica conservation biology biodiversity impact assessment threatened habitats remote sensing and satellite imagery ecosystem modelling eutrophication management capacity building numerous project web sites data software ... and much more

The European Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) sets out the framework within which Member States may implement measures to achieve and maintain good environmental status by 2020....

Management of the marine environment
Check out the new website of the scientific service Management Unit of the Mathematical Models of the North Sea. In Belgium MUMM is responsible for the follow up of activities at sea.

North Sea Belgium |
With an area of 3,452 km² and a coastline of 67 kilometers, the Belgian part of the North Sea is a small marine area,
but one with big ambitions. It is our 11th province and essential for the future of our country.

Marine forecasts
The user-friendly interface to our trusted marine forecasts is being redesigned from scratch.

OSERIT is a 3D oil drift and fate model accessible through a user-friendly web application. Complex, real-life scenario-based simulations can be setup to fit a wide range of emergency situations that might arise at sea. A powerful visualisation tool allows for an in-depth analysys of simulation results.
This web site will be published in the near future

NOOS-Drift |
NOOS‑Drift improve drift forecast accuracy in the European North West Continental Shelf Seas.
The vision is to develop a distributed system connecting the national drift forecast services.

1001 tips to promote biodiversity |
Go ahead and give a hand to biodiversity !
Choose your actions and join more than 20,000 people already acting for our planet.
http://www.1001voorbiodiversiteit.be/ http://www.1001pourlabiodiversite.be/ http://www.1001fuerdiebiodiversitaet.be/

BeBirds is active on the following topics : routes and strategies of migration, population trends, problematic of invasive bird species, long-term monitoring of fragile species, epidemiological surveillance in wild birds.

The RV Belgica
The RV Belgica helps researchers from universities and scientific institutes in their quest for a better understanding of the structure and working of the ecosystem of our seas.
Check out the renewed ODAS application and access
automated, continuous measurements.

COHERENS is a modelling system designed for a wide range of applications in coastal and shelf seas, estuaries, lakes and reservoirs. The development of COHERENS is led by researchers at RBINS in collaboration with worldwide scientists.

REMSEM carries out scientific research in the fields of remote sensing and ecosystem modelling with the aim of improving the long term scientific basis for management of the marine ecosystem.

The CEBioS programme is carrying out capacity building for partners of the Belgian cooperation in the field of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development linked to poverty eradication.

TILES is devoted to the creation of a harmonized geological knowledgebase of the Belgian and southern Dutch part of the North Sea. Most innovatively, the geological resource will be quantified in 5 dimensions: space, depth, time, and associated uncertainties.

Our aim in IBISCA is to study the spatial and temporal distribution of the organisms which constitute a major part of forest biodiversity: arthropods

The HIGHROC Project |
The HIGHROC (HIGH spatial and temporal Resolution Ocean Colour) project carries out the research and development necessary for the next generation coastal water products and services from ocean colour space-borne data by giving an order of magnitude improvement in both temporal and spatial resolution.

The Multi-sync project |
Within the Multi-Sync project we develop advanced ocean colour products through synergetic use of multi-scale EO data

SWAP (Scientific Web sites and Applications) is a small, results-oriented, multidisciplinary team of scientists whose missions are to plan, develop and maintain scientific web sites and applications for OD Nature.

The Marcoast-2 imagery database |
OD Nature is a Service Provider in the MarCoast-2 (Marine & Coastal Environmental Information Services) GMES project. We deliver Chlorophyll, algae bloom detection and timing satellite imagery products.

The EMoSEM project |
The aim of EMoSEM is to develop and combine the state-of-the-art modelling tools describing the river-ocean continuum in the North-East Atlantic continental seas in order to link the eutrophication nuisances in specific marine regions to anthropogenic inputs and trace back their sources up to the watersheds.

The BELCOLOUR project |
In this project, we improved the quality of existing optical remote sensing products for marine, coastal and inland waters and developed innovative products including primary production and partial pressure of CO2.

The GEOCOLOUR project |
GEOCOLOUR had the general objective of improving the quality and quantity of marine optical products from the existing SEVIRI geostationary sensor and to prepare the design of the next generation of geostationary ocean colour sensors.

The JELLYMOD project |
We are developing biological models to reproduce the complex biological cycle of jellyfish and also to understand the origin and the cause of jellyfish swarms that can be problematic in coastal waters.

The PONDER project |
PONDER (SR/00/325/) is an exploration project financed by BELSPO under the STEREO 3 programme. The main goal of the project is to assess the potential for aquatic applications of very high resolution satellite imagery.

The HYPERMAQ Project |
Algorithms for remote sensing of suspended particulate matter and chlorophyll concentration are quite mature and applications relating to coastal sediment transport and environmental monitoring are routinely using satellite data. The challenge for researchers is now to estimate more than just concentration.

This project provides an opportunity to improve data entry tools for taxonomic experts, in order to facilitate the processing of their data and the entry of species distribution information.

MARECO – Marine Ecology and Management |
Our team has a large expertise in marine environmental research in a wide variety of domains. Linking research to policy and management support is a key asset of our work. We contribute to Environmental Impact Assessment, environmental status assessments and Marine Spatial Planning.

FLOAT is a user-friendly interface to a 2D drift model which allows OD Nature staff, Coast Guard Centres and other governmental authorities to quickly estimate the drift of an oil spill at sea. FLOAT is related to the more advanced, 3D, scenario-capable OSERIT tool.

The JONSMOD 2014 conference |
The Joint Numerical Sea Modelling Group Conference was held at RBINS in May 2014. JONSMOD focusses on mathematical modelling techniques for shallow seas.

The Belgian Marine Data Centre (BMDC) at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences is a National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC) dedicated to the professional processing and long-term storage of marine environmental and fisheries data ...

Red Biodiversiteit, samen & nu |
Biodiversiteit is essentieel voor ons overleven en welzijn.
Ze voedt en geneest ons. Ze schenkt ons zuurstof en zuiver water. Biodiversiteit zorgt voor ons, maar is in gevaar.
http://www.samenvoorbiodiversiteit.be/nl/ http://www.ensemblepourlabiodiversite.be/fr/