Marine protected species

The RBINS is responsible for coordinating scientific studies of protected marine species (Royal Decree of 21 December 2001). For this reason it collects a selection of stranded and bycaught specimens of protected species, with the exception of sea birds. Between 50 and 200 marine mammals wash ashore each year in Belgium, the vast majority of which are harbour porpoises. The research on marine mammals and other protected species is important, as it can provide us with information about population trends, problems within the population, the impact of human activities and ultimately about the condition of the marine environment in general.

Information on stranded and bycaught marine mammals and a selection of observations are available on the website on marine mammals. This website also includes information on what to do if you find a stranded marine mammal. This information has also been provided in a brochure produced for the Belgian Coastguard.

Scientific research on seabirds is carried out by the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO), and sick or injured seals are taken to Sea Life Blankenberge for rehabilitation. 

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